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The news angle and how to find it

How do you get editors to use your press release?

If they’re to attract a second look from an editor then you have some rules to follow. So press releases ought to:

• use the “funnel” strategy i.e. sum up the story in the first para and add quotes, then include the background further down
• use double spacing
• put company data, photograph captions and contact details toward the end.

But if you fail to get the news angle right, then you’re just preparing to fail. That’s what the editors will seek out.


Ask the right questions

It’s very easy to become too involved with your subject matter, and you can overlook the most obvious news angle. Ask some relevant questions:

What do people think about this?

Or ask what the reader may be thinking:

What’s in it for me?

If the headline fails to answer those questions, the editor will move onto the next news item in their growing pile of press releases…


Finding the perfect news angle

To get that killer news angle then ask yourself the questions the reader will have, such as…

• what impact will this have on me?
• how much time, money or effort will you save?
• how long have I got to respond?
• does someone famous endorse it?
• is this new?
• what’s unusual about that?
• does this relate to me?
• will this make my life better?
• is this the right time of year?

Cover as many of these issues as you can.


Identify your audience

Not every reader is the same. Not every publication is the same. So think about whether your release meets the needs of different people. You may need to change the news angle for some audiences; or perhaps change the tone or content to meet their needs.

Typically we find up to three angles or audiences for any release. At the highest level these could be:

• For local press
• For industry or trade press
• For national press.


Make it too good to miss

The icing on the cake for a press release is a quote and or photo from someone who is well-known in the field – perhaps a business guru, local expert or celebrity. Regional stories often hinge on a local angle, so see what councillors or the Mayor think and get them to approve a quote. Never take a quote from another source – no matter how amazing it sounds. Do the leg work yourself.

When you’re done it’s ready for distribution. But if this is all too much for you, then we’d be happy to write the press release for you.

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